Embedding External Video Materials Although you can hyperlink to existing video content on the web, embedding it within pages on your course site makes the experience a smoother one for students. You can easily embed YouTube videos in your course site using the Rich Content Editor. You can also embed video content…
You can organize your New Gradebook in a number of different ways in Canvas: by student name, secondary ID, total grade, individual assignment, assignment group (if you have assignment groups set up), and assignment due date. You can also rearrange and resize the columns in the New Gradebook and add assignment group…
We have listed the gradable items in Canvas in an easy-to-read chart format so that you can easily and quickly see what options are available to you. We have also linked to some options that can be used as a workaround for any features that are unavailable or unsupported in Canvas. KEY: ✔ Yes Feature available …
Click the button below to open the Canvas External Apps Request Form. Before proceeding, please review the list of external apps that are already installed and possibly hidden on your site. To learn how to enable a tool on your Navigation menu, visit this instructional guide . IMPORTANT: Requests for third-part…
Before you can access any data collected by the Outcomes you are using in your course, you will need to enable the Learning Mastery Gradebook in your course settings. If you already have Learning Mastery Gradebook enabled, skip down to How to access Outcomes data . How to enable Learning Mastery in your course * …
Kaltura, our premier video upload service integrated with Canvas, isn't automatically available to new users. But fear not: it's available to everyone after a few simple steps! Listed below are two ways you can activate your account and get started using Kaltura: Authorize Kaltura from the Canvas Help menu Authoriz…
* In your Canvas course site, navigate to Modules . * Select +Module to create a new module and name it (ex: “Exam Sign-Up”). * Add a new item to the module and choose External URL in the drop-down menu. * Enter the URL for RegisterBlast ( ). * Enter RegisterBlast as the Page Name. * Select Load …
Canvas's Direct Share feature allows instructors to share individual course items to their other Canvas courses, and easily share individual course items with other instructors in Canvas. To use this tool you will need to have a course role of Teacher, TA, Admin Staff, or Designer in your Canvas course. Please keep …
OER Commons accessibility statement coming soon OER Commons Privacy Policy OER Commons is a freely accessible online library that allows teachers and others to search for and discover open educational resources and other available instructional materials. Adding the desired OER resources as an external URL is a…
Canvas has fairly extensive rubric options, which allow you to attach a rubric to a Turnitin assignment instead of using Turnitin's external rubric options. In order to do this you will need to: * Create a Canvas assignment: Select Assignments on your course navigation menu, then select the garnet + Assignment …