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Home > Grades and Grading > What items are gradable in Canvas?
What items are gradable in Canvas?
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We have listed the gradable items in Canvas in an easy-to-read chart format so that you can easily and quickly see what options are available to you. We have also linked to some options that can be used as a workaround for any features that are unavailable or unsupported in Canvas.


✔ Yes Feature available
✘ No Feature not available
N/A Feature not supported, but workaround possible


Content Type Canvas
Can be graded Can add a rubric
Assignments ✔ Yes ✔ Yes
Turnitin Assignments ✔ Yes ✔ Yes - learn more
Discussion Board ✔ Yes ✔ Yes, if Discussion is set to be graded
Assessments/Tests/Quizzes ✔ Yes ✔ Yes
Surveys ✔ Yes ✔ Yes, if survey is set to be graded
Journals N/A, see workaround N/A, see workaround
Wikis/Pages ✘ No ✘ No
Attendance ✔ Yes, learn more  ✘ No
Chat ✘ No ✘ No
Collaborations ✘ No ✘ No
Blackboard Collaborate ✘ No, but creative workaround possible ✘ No
Conferences ✘ No, but creative workaround possible ✘ No
Kaltura Video Quizzes ✔ Yes ✘ No


 Turnitin Assignment Rubrics

You must add your Canvas rubric prior to linking to the Turnitin external app in assignment settings. This means, you must create the assignment as a basic Canvas assignment, then add add the Canvas rubric to the assignment, and then edit the assignment settings to make it into a Turnitin Assignment. For step-by-step instructions see How do I use a Canvas rubric with a Turnitin assignment?

Journals Workaround Option

Canvas does not have a "Journal" tool, however, you can use Canvas Assignments creatively to somewhat mimic a journal tool. The simplest option for this would be to create a different assignment for each journal. Make sure to include a due date in the assignment settings, but leave the "available until" date blank on each of these assignments. This way, you can:

  • Easily view whether or not a student has submitted their assignment on time or late.
  • Easily grade each "journal" submission.
  • Students can refer back to their previous work if you are asking them to build on those previous submissions for the next "journal" submission.
  • Students are not able to view each others' work.

Blackboard Collaborate and Canvas Conferences Workaround Option

To grade student attendance in a web-conference, you could create a single-question, password-protected quiz for each web-conferencing session. During the session, give out the password, and then students can complete the quiz after the session has ended. If a student did not "attend" the web-conferencing session, then they will be unable to complete the quiz.

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