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Home > External Apps > Canvas External Apps Request Form
Canvas External Apps Request Form
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Click the button below to open the Canvas External Apps Request Form. Before proceeding, please review the list of external apps that are already installed and possibly hidden on your site. To learn how to enable a tool on your Navigation menu, visit this instructional guide.

IMPORTANT: All third-party vendors whose external applications are integrated with FSU's Canvas LMS are required by FSU's Information Security & Privacy Office to complete a standard Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

This MOU is available to download here.  Please return, or have the third-party vendor return, this completed form to Dewel Lindsey at [email protected].  

Please contact ODL Technical Support at (850) 644 - 8004 or email [email protected] if you have any questions or need assistance.


Request Installation of Canvas External Apps

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