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Showing articles from instructor article tag

Creating an Organization using a Canvas Course Site

Cases where a Canvas course site is a good fit * If your organization site is an academic organization that provides information, announcements, and/or surveys to participants and/or enrolls users each term using automatic enrollments. * If your organization site is a course of some sort, i.e. student orientation,…

Design Tools: How to use templates

When creating a new content page in Canvas, you do not have to start from scratch - you can use Cidi Lab Design Tools to select a template to work from. Using Design Tools templates also helps to make your content pages more accessible. Navigate to the course and content page that you would like to work in If you a…

How can I exempt a student's grades?

Canvas calls exempted grades "excused."  Excused assignments are not factored into the student's total grade, and the student will not be able to submit the excused assignments.  You can excuse a grade by selecting the specific student's cell in the gradebook and typing "EX." Alternatively, you can follow the steps i…

How to add another email address to your Canvas account

Adding another email address to your Canvas account is crucial if you forward your FSU emails to another address, such as an address or a personal account like an address. These email addresses MUST be added to your Canvas account in order for you to successfully reply to a Canvas email notifi…

How do I manually enroll a user (e.g., TA, Course Designer, etc.) into my course site?

Teachers (instructors of record) cannot manually enroll students into a course or development site in Canvas. All student enrollments are managed through myFSU Student Central (the Registrar). However, if a student needs to finish an incomplete course or if there is a situation where a Teacher wants a student to h…

I like to use adaptive release settings. Can I do this in Canvas?

Yes, you can use adaptive release settings in Canvas. In Modules, you would use requirements, prerequisites, and/or "lock" the module depending on the availability settings you would like related to the way in which students progress through your course. To use adaptive release settings for individual items, such as…

How do I make a test/quiz in Canvas?

Canvas offers several assessment options. Please note, if you wish to use question groups and question banks, we recommend you create those question groups and banks before creating the quiz itself. If you are concerned about the security of your quiz, see our recommendations for increasing quiz security to minimize…

Known Issue: Getting back student quiz grades when the Gradebook turns them into rocket ship icons

Occasionally, the Canvas Gradebook may turn a column of scores for a quiz into a bunch of rocket ship icons: If this happens, you can retrieve your students' scores by doing the following for each quiz displaying the rocket ship icons: * On the course navigation menu, select  Quizzes . * Locate the affected qui…

Can I print student grades?

Yes, you can print student grades. * In the Gradebook click the name of the student whose grades you want to print this will show a panel of their information on the right side of your screen. * In this panel you will click the student's name again. * By clicking the name in the panel, Canvas will bring you to a …

Instructors: How to access your account for the first time

Please note: You must have created a Turnitin assignment in Canvas in order to trigger the creation of your account on If you have not created a Turnitin assignment in either a course or development site in Canvas, then the steps in this article will not work. * Find the email address associated with …

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