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Showing articles from instructor article tag

How to build your new Canvas course

First time teaching at FSU?  Browse our complete checklist . Canvas does not have to be complicated or cumbersome. Do the following things and you will be well on your way to creating a rich online learning experience for your students. If you get stuck, don't hesitate to give us a call at  (850) 644-8004  or schedu…

About FSU Canvas Technical Support (from FSU Office of Digital Learning)

The Office of Digital Learning's Technical Support group is dedicated to helping FSU faculty, staff, and students with their online teaching and learning needs. More specifically, we can assist you with FSU's learning management system, Canvas ( ), as well as its surrounding technologies. Contact us a…

BigBlueButton Basics

* Teaching Assistants will appear in the user panel as moderators. Learn more about the moderator role in BigBlueButton. * The  Locking viewers  option allows you to prevent students from from accessing the specific items (e.g., If you do not want students chatting while you are talking, you can lock chat). * …

How to share Kaltura videos and audio recordings

Note: If you are wanting to learn how to share or give away ownership of your Kaltura media, please see this instructional guide:  how to share or give away media ownership in Kaltura. Once you have  recorded  or  uploaded  your video(s) or audio recording(s) into  My Media , there are several methods you can use to…

How to download Kaltura media items that you already own

It is now possible for instructors to download their own Kaltura videos and audio recordings! Follow the instructions below to learn how: Note: This feature is currently not supported in Safari . We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to download your Kaltura media. * Under  My Media , select Edit …

Canvas Grades and Grading FAQs

FAQs * What items are gradable in Canvas? * What are the best practice recommendations for using Canvas's New Gradebook? * How do I use the New Gradebook? * How to adjust dues dates and availability dates in Canvas * Does Canvas have an inline assignment grading feature? (SpeedGrader) * Can I use rubrics in Ca…

Downloading a Zoom meeting recording

Depending on whether you have chosen to record to the Zoom Cloud or to your local device, there are different steps to take to download your recording. Please note: We recommend recording meetings to the Zoom cloud . If you record to the Zoom cloud, then your meeting recording will automatically be added to your Ka…

How to adjust due dates and availability dates in Canvas

Depending on how you have designed your course, you may need to adjust your assignment due dates, your assignment availability dates, or both. For more information on the differences between these dates, see What is the difference between assignment due dates and availability dates? New feature: You can now bulk a…

Canvas Notification Settings Guide

You can select when you would like to receive notifications from Canvas (immediately, daily, weekly, or none). Listed below are FSU's recommended notification settings. If you are an instructor, click here . STUDENTS Keep in mind: * These settings are applied to all courses and organizations across Canvas.  Howe…

How to lower your video's file size using Handbrake

If you are having difficulty uploading a video to Kaltura in Canvas, you may need to compress the video's file size. To do so, FSU ODL Technical Support recommends the use of Handbrake. To use Handbrake, please follow the directions below: * Download the appropriate version of Handbrake for your computer and op…

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