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Home > Account Setup & User Enrollments > Canvas Notification Settings Guide
Canvas Notification Settings Guide
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You can select when you would like to receive notifications from Canvas (immediately, daily, weekly, or none). Listed below are FSU's recommended notification settings. If you are an instructor, click here.


Keep in mind:

We strongly recommend that you select the following settings for your Canvas notifications:


      Email Notification Push Notification
Due Date Immediately On
Grading Policies Send weekly summary OR do not send me anything Off
Course Content Send daily summary At your discretion: choose your preferred option
Files Send daily summary At your discretion: choose your preferred option
Announcement Immediately



Announcement created by you Immediately


Grading At your discretion: choose your preferred option At your discretion: choose your preferred option
Invitation Immediately On
Submission Comment At your discretion: choose your preferred option At your discretion: choose your preferred option
    Email Notification Push Notification
  • Distance students: Immediately, or send daily summary
  • Face-to-face students: send daily summary
  • Distance students: On
  • Face-to-face students: At your discretion - choose your preferred option
Discussion Post
  • Distance students: Immediately
  • Face-to-face students: Immediately, or send daily summary
  • Distance students: At your discretion - choose your preferred option
  • Face-to-face students: At your discretion - choose your preferred option
    Email Notification Push Notification>
Added to conversation Immediately On
Conversation message Immediately On
Conversations created by me Immediately At your discretion: choose your preferred option
    Email Notification Push Notification
Appointment signups At your discretion: choose your preferred option At your discretion: choose your preferred option
Appointment cancellations At your discretion: choose your preferred option At your discretion: choose your preferred option
Appointment availability At your discretion: choose your preferred option At your discretion: choose your preferred option
Calendar Immediately, or send daily summary At your discretion: choose your preferred option
    Email Notification Push Notification
Recording ready Send daily digest Off
    Email Notification Push Notification

Global Announcements

Immediately On

For more information about what each of these notification preferences entails, see Canvas's Notification Resource Documentation.


Further resources:


The settings you choose may vary depending on how actively you participate in Canvas organization sites and how "plugged in" to your Canvas course sites you want to be. We recognize that everyone will have different preferences. With that in mind, we put together the following table containing our recommendations to help guide you in selecting your Canvas notification settings:

Keep in mind:

  • These settings are applied to all courses and organizations across Canvas. However, you can adjust notification settings for an individual course or organization.
  • If your department uses a vanity email domain (e.g.,,,, these addresses MUST be added to your Canvas account in order to successfully reply to a Canvas email notification using that email account. Otherwise, your reply won't actually send to your intended recipient.
  • To ensure compliance with various laws and regulations, FSU employees should NOT respond to emails using their personal email accounts (Gmail, iCloud, Yahoo, etc.). Please only add your FSU email accounts to Canvas and refrain from forwarding your business emails to a personal email account.
  • Submission Comments: these are assignment submission comments entered by your students. These notifications may include some context, but often do not. To ensure that you receive these submission comments, we recommend that you use the email notification setting below. If you have more students than you can keep track of with these submission comments, we recommend communicating to your students that they should email you directly rather than using a submission comment to ask a question about their grade. This way, students will need to provide you with appropriate context for their question/concern regarding the assignment in question.
  • If there is a Canvas organization or another Canvas site that you no longer want to receive notifications from, you can disable all notifications for that specific course or organizationWe do not recommend doing this for any courses that you are currently teaching or organizations that you lead, otherwise you may miss important communications from your students and organization members.


      Email Notification Push Notification What Triggers This Notification
Due Date Send weekly summary Off
  • Changing an Assignment due date
  • Creating an assignment, quiz, or discussion
  • Changing an Assignment from non-graded to graded
Grading Policies Send weekly summary OR do not send me anything Off
  • Change in Assignment Group Grade Weight
  • Change in the Gradebook Total Point column's display (percentage/point value)
Course Content Send daily or weekly summary At your discretion: choose your preferred option

Changes to:

  • Page
  • Quiz content
  • Assignment content
Files Send daily summary At your discretion: choose your preferred option New file added to your course. Notifications will not be sent to the user who uploads the file. If the Files tab is disabled within a course, then students will not receive this notification.
Announcement Immediately On New announcement in your course or group. Instructors and TAs can receive notifications for course groups (i.e., student groups within course site) without being added directly to a group. For this to happen, you have to be enrolled in the course and enable this Announcement notification preference.
Announcement created by you Immediately At your discretion
  • Announcement created by you
  • Replies to announcements created by you
Grading At your discretion: choose your preferred option At your discretion: choose your preferred option


  • Assignment/submission grade entered/changed
  • Un-muted assignment grade
  • Grade weight changed
Invitation Immediately On

Invitation for:

  • Web Conference
  • Group
  • Collaboration (must enable Google Drive integration)
  • Peer Review & Peer Review reminder
All Submissions Send daily summary Off Assignment submission/re-submission, including assessments (quizzes) and graded discussion posts
Late Grading Immediately, or send daily summary Off Late assignment submission
Submission Comment Immediately, or send daily summary Off Assignment submission comment entered by student. The notification will include the text of the submission comment and may include the creator of the comment, the course, and the assignment name. If you have more students than you can keep track of with these submission comments, we recommend communicating to your students that they should email you directly rather than using a submission comment to ask a question about their grade.
    Email Notification Push Notification What Triggers This Notification
Discussion Send daily summary, or send weekly summary Off New discussion topic in your course
Discussion Post Send daily summary Off New discussion post in a topic you're subscribed to 
    Email Notification Push Notification What Triggers This Notification
Added to conversation Immediately On You are added to a conversation. Please note: you will need to log into Canvas to view any attachments that are  sent via Canvas conversations.
Conversation message Immediately On New inbox messages. Please note: you will need to log into Canvas to view any attachments that are sent via Canvas conversations.
Conversations created by me Immediately At your discretion: choose your preferred option You created a conversation. We recommend this option so that there is a record of all messages that you send within Canvas.
    Email Notification Push Notification What Triggers This Notification
Student Appointment signups At your discretion: choose your preferred option At your discretion: choose your preferred option Student appointment signup
Appointment signups At your discretion: choose your preferred option At your discretion: choose your preferred option

New appointment on your calendar. You will get this notification if you are signed up for an appointment by another user.


For example, an organization site offers an appointment group and users are required to sign up in groups. After one group member makes an appointment, any other group member with this preference activated will receive a notification. 

Appointment cancellations At your discretion: choose your preferred option On Appointment cancellation
Appointment availability At your discretion: choose your preferred option At your discretion: choose your preferred option New appointment time slots are available for signup
Calendar Immediately, or send daily summary At your discretion: choose your preferred option New or changed items on your course calendar
    Email Notification Push Notification What Triggers This Notification
Recording ready Send daily digest Off A conference recording is ready for viewing
    Email Notification Push Notification What Triggers This Notification
Content Link Error At your discretion, but we recommend Immediately Off

A student encountering a broken link in your course site, or trying to access an item that has not been published but should be published (e.g,. clicking on an module item to complete an assignment, but the assignment is unpublished). This notification contains the location & content of a failed link that your student encountered so that you can more easily fix the situation. Students do not know that this email notification has been triggered.

Global Announcements

Immediately On "Global Announcements" refers to the announcements that display on your Canvas Dashboard. We at FSU ODL Technical Support post these and they contain reminders of important events and information, such as extended technical support hours or information about service disruptions to learning technologies, like Turnitin or Zoom conferencing, and the resolution of service disruptions.

For more information about what each of these notification preferences entails, see Canvas's Notification Resource Documentation.

Further resources:



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