You can use your smartphone to participate in iClicker attendance, polling, quizzing, and assignment activities in class using the iClicker Student App. Please note, there is a 14-day free trial period. Afterward, you will need to pay to continue using the polling, quizzing, and assignment features in your course. H…
304 - Quizzes Overview (Instructors) (Last updated 2023-06-02) from the Instructure Community video guides . To view subtitles for this video, click the subtitles icon in the toolbar between the volume and gear icons. The subtitles icon looks like a box with two broken horizontal lines along the bottom. You can al…
Use the following links to skip down to the specific information you are looking for: * Course Setup Basics Course Design Course Multimedia * Graded Work Gradebook setup, use, and end-of-semester concerns Quizzes & Assessments Assignments Discussions * Communication Basics Web-conferencing…
It is important that you enable and accurately implement a Grading Scheme in your Canvas course that matches the information you provide in your course syllabus. This is crucial because if your Canvas course grading scheme is not accurate, then your students will see a different final grade calculation in Canvas than…
FSU supports the use of a variety of external applications that enhance both the teaching and learning experience. There are a few different ways you and your students can access external tools in your course site. Find out more below about how these applications function, where you need to go to view these apps, and…
How you take attendance on the first day of class for Canvas courses will vary depending on factors such as how many students you have and if the course meets online or in person. If you use Canvas to take attendance, you will still need to enter the data into Campus Solutions to complete first day attendance requi…
Navigate this page: Enable a Grading Scheme Access the Grade Upload Tool Validate Grades Students with "F", "I", or "U" Grades Upload Grades Final Approval and Submission The FSU Canvas Grade Upload Tool allows you to upload your entire Canvas Gradebook into the official University Grade Roster …
There are a few different options for using Canvas to take and keep track of attendance. Which option is best for you as an instructor will depend on your class size and preference . * Have fewer than 50 students in your course? See our recommendations for small courses * Have more than 50 students in your cours…
In order to save time and headaches at the end of the semester, we recommend following the steps below to ensure that your gradebook is set up correctly at the beginning so that it will be easier to use during the semester and your final grades will be calculated accurately. Use the links below to jump down to the…
Why do I need to pay attention to accessibility? Accessibility ensures that all of your students are able to access your course materials and use them as needed. Legally, FSU is required to have both internal and external departmental materials be fully accessible so that everyone is able to access and use these mat…