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Showing articles from faq tag

How do I upload video files to Kaltura?

Kaltura is a third-party broad video platform service. You can record your audio or video item and then upload it to Kaltura , or you can use Kaltura's Personal Capture software to create your media item from start to finish. Regardless of which option you choose, we recommend keeping  Kaltura's new media storage …

How do I clear my browser's cache?

If you notice problems with the way your web page displays, or if you are having trouble uploading a file, you may want to clear the cache and cookies of your web browser. These stored temporary internet files may be preventing you from navigating through Canvas with ease. How do I clear my browser cache on a PC? H…

I like to give my students feedback on their work. How do I do this in Canvas's New Gradebook?

You can leave feedback for your students in Canvas via text, an attached file, video, or audio. If you just want to leave simple feedback for your students, leave a text comment directly in the New Gradebook. To attach a file, video, or audio use SpeedGrader. Further resources: * How do I leave comments for studen…

How do I allow students to attach files to discussion board posts?

The default setting in each course site is to not allow students to attach files to their discussion posts. However, you can change this setting on the Discussions page in your Canvas course to enable students to attach files to their discussion posts .

How do I create discussion forums?

The discussion feature in Canvas doesn’t accommodate a true discussion forum with varied discussion assignment threads, but there is a way to make it feel more like the kinds of discussion forums you are used to. 1. Create your  discussion topic assignments . 2.  Create a page  with the instructions, readings, et…

What file types are compatible with Canvas?

Many file types are compatible with Canvas. For a specific listing of compatible file types, see below. Further Resources: * What types of files are supported in Canvas? * What document types does Canvas convert using the document previewer? * How do I preview a file as an instructor?

What do the different course roles do?

FSU's version of Canvas provides a variety of roles for users within course and organization sites. This article will provide a quick summary of each course role, which it can do, and who is generally assigned it. You may encounter users with the following course roles in an FSU Canvas course: * Students * Teacher…

I don't want my students to be able to see a quiz that I'm working on. How do I hide it from them?

If a quiz is published and it is currently within the availability window you have set, students can see the quiz. To keep your students from viewing the quiz you can change the availability time to a later date, or keep the quiz unpublished so that students cannot see it. Further resources: * How do I use Draft S…

Students: Why is my weighted group total out of 200% instead of 100%?

While looking at your grades, if your weighted group total reads 200% rather than 100%, that means your instructor has implemented an extra credit grade column in your course. In a weighted grade course structure, that extra 100% allows your instructor to add or subtract percentage points directly to or from your …

Can I manually create columns in the Gradebook?

Canvas only creates columns in the Gradebook for assignments.  If you need to create a column for manual grading (eg., participation grade), you can create a "No Submission" or "On Paper" assignment. Further resources: * How do I create assignment columns for non-submission assignments in the New Gradebook?

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