Florida State University faculty, staff, students, and alumni have an international presence. Wherever they are located, they require stable and timely access to FSU's Canvas learning management system (LMS). China in particular is a major destination for American students and academics studying and researching abroa…
Canvas has a simple and streamlined approach to entering content anywhere the Rich Content Editor is available (this includes Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Pages, Quizzes, and Syllabus). The rich content editor is capable of embedding any YouTube or Kaltura videos, images, other media files, course files, …
How you take attendance on the first day of class for Canvas courses will vary depending on factors such as how many students you have and if the course meets online or in person. If you use Canvas to take attendance, you will still need to enter the data into Campus Solutions to complete first day attendance requi…
Canvas has a built-in web-conferencing tool called " BigBlueButton " that can be used for virtual lectures, virtual office hours, or anything else that would need synchronous interaction. BigBlueButton conferences allows up to 100 concurrent users at a time. You can record a conference, use the whiteboard function,…
Kaltura provides an automatic captioning system for uploaded videos. If you are the video owner or you have been added as a co-editor for the video , then you can also edit these captions manually if you so desire. This guide will provide the procedure for doing so. Please Note: It is best to use Google Chrome …
Canvas matches its course enrollments with myFSU Student Central Sunday through Friday at: 5:00am, 7:00am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm, 3:00pm, 5:00pm, 7:00pm, and 9:00pm. If a course schedule change occurs an hour before any of these "enrollment cycles", it may take an additional enrollment cycle for the change to take…
When you use Kaltura to add multimedia to your course, Kaltura automatically captions your video or audio recordings for you. However, these automatic captions are not always correct, so we recommend that you double-check your captions . Kaltura will also automatically create a transcript for you from those automati…
Navigate this page: Enable a Grading Scheme Access the Grade Upload Tool Validate Grades Students with "F", "I", or "U" Grades Upload Grades Final Approval and Submission The FSU Canvas Grade Upload Tool allows you to upload your entire Canvas Gradebook into the official University Grade Roster …
Yes. The bulk delete option in Canvas is called " reset course content. " You can do this by navigating to your Course Settings and selecting the option on the right-hand navigation menu. Please note that once you have reset your course content, all of that content has been permanently removed and cannot be recovered…
There are a few different options for using Canvas to take and keep track of attendance. Which option is best for you as an instructor will depend on your class size and preference . * Have fewer than 50 students in your course? See our recommendations for small courses * Have more than 50 students in your cours…