Canvas's developers like hearing from you! If you have an idea for functionality that Canvas does not currently offer, create a feature idea that the entire Canvas community can vote on. Both FSU users and users at other institutions can give your idea an "upvote." The ideas that garner enough "upvotes" catch Canvas …
The Canvas Community website contains information on all things Canvas. Though we maintain our own FSU Canvas Support Center website and are continually adding content that we think our FSU users will find helpful, you may wish to use the Canvas Community as well. The content you'll find in there includes blog post…
While Canvas does have a built-in ePortfolio tool , we have chosen to disable it and have instead integrated the superior FSU Career Portfolio . The FSU Career Portfolio is an online tool created by the Career Center that helps students show evidence of learning to instructors and showcase their skills to employers…
You can encourage learning beyond the classroom with LinkedIn Learning (formerly — a powerful tool offering more than 6,000 quality video tutorials. Use LinkedIn Learning to augment your teaching and guide students to dive deeper into topics. Build custom playlists and post them on your Canvas site for…
Yes. To make certain items (eg., a module, a quiz, an assignment, etc.) available after a particular date, simply use the "lock module" setting or the assignment/quiz/discussion availability date setting. Further resources * How do I lock a module? * What is the difference between assignment due dates and avai…
Your Canvas account utilizes a preferred email to send notifications to and associate with the rest of Florida State's IT resources. In particular, you will need to know your preferred Canvas email if you want to login to directly. You do not need to login to Turnitin directly in order to use Turnit…
If you notice problems with how your web page displays, or if you are having trouble uploading a file, you should clear the cache and cookies of your web browser. These stored temporary internet files may be preventing you from navigating through Canvas with ease. How do I clear my browser cache on a PC? How do I…
* Login on to with your FSUID and password. Your portal page will appear after login. * From the left-hand side of your portal page, choose Teaching > Faculty Center . * Your "My Schedule" page appears. * Under "My Teaching Schedule," click the Class Roster icon for the section containing studen…
While looking at your grades, if your weighted group total reads 200% rather than 100%, that means your instructor has implemented an extra credit grade column in your course. In a weighted grade course structure, that extra 100% allows your instructor to add or subtract percentage points directly to or from your …
SpeedGrader is an inline grading feature in Canvas. SpeedGrader empowers you to view and grade student assignment submissions in one place. In SpeedGrader , you have the flexibility to use a simple point scale or a complex rubric, and you can use the Crocodoc markup feature to annotate comments directly on studen…