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Showing articles from tip tag

Can I create peer review assignments so that my students can give each other feedback on their work?

There are two different options for creating peer review assignments: Turnitin's PeerMark peer review assignment option, and Canvas's peer review assignment option. Further resources for Canvas's built-in peer review option: * What is a peer review assignment? * How do I create a peer review assignment? * How do…

How to disable syllabus in navigation and upload syllabus file to module

We highly recommend that you use the Syllabus page provided within your Canvas course to house your syllabus. It may seem convenient to bypass the Syllabus page altogether, but using it creates a much more intuitive experience for your students. If you are looking to upload a syllabus file to your course, we recommen…

I want to streamline my personal calendar - can I import my course calendar into an external calendar tool, such as iCal, Outlook, or Google Calendar?

Yes! You can subscribe to your course calendar using any external calendar tool that accepts the iCal format.  This includes iCal, Outlook, and Google Calendar. Further resources: * Where can I find the Calendar iCal feed? * How do I subscribe to the Calendar feed using Outlook? * How do I subscribe to the Calen…

Can I create a sign-up list?

Yes, you will need to use the Scheduler Calendar tool to create a sign-up list/schedule appointment time slots in Canvas. Scheduler can be used to create office hours, schedule TA sessions, assign presentation times, and other appointments. You can choose to create time slots that only allow one student to sign up fo…

Publish, Publish, Publish: Key to Canvas as well as academia!

Make sure your students can access your course and its content. Students cannot access your course or any specific items until you have both published the course itself AND published the specific items you want your students to access. Publish your course site You can publish your course site in two ways: From the …

How do I add captions to uploaded videos in Canvas as an instructor?

Canvas allows you to integrate video and other types of media into your content pages within the Rich Content Editor. You can also add caption files to videos using this tool. Please note that the following instructions only apply to videos directly uploaded into your Canvas page via the Canvas Media Tool - these in…

Is there a wiki tool option in Canvas? How can I create a course wiki?

Canvas does not have a Wiki tool, but you can create a course wiki by creating a Page and allowing students to edit it. Currently, there is no way to grade student contributions to this Page , so this should only be used as an informal study aid and not a formal course requirement. Please note: Canvas does not …

Tips for Instructors for a Better Canvas Experience

* Be sure to access the Canvas Video Guides for quick help on specifics. Check out ODL’s Canvas Support Center for additional support articles. * Set up your notifications , and also be sure to encourage your students to do this. * Publish, publish, publish. You must publish pages , modules , assignments ,…

How to change your name in Canvas

The best way to change your name in Canvas is to adjust your preferred name in other FSU systems so that your desired name will be reflected consistently across FSU systems. Once you see the change reflected on  your FSU MyProfile page , approximately 24-48 hours later your updated name should then display consistent…

How do I manually enroll a user (e.g., TA, Designer, etc.) into my course site?

Teachers (instructors of record) cannot manually enroll students into a course or development site in Canvas. All student enrollments are managed through myFSU Student Central (the Registrar). However, if a student needs to finish an incomplete course or if there is a situation where a Teacher wants a student to h…

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