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Showing articles from best practice tag

Canvas Miscellaneous FAQs

Questions: * How do I navigate around/use Canvas? * Technology Recommendations for FSU's Canvas * What is Canvas's new Rich Content Editor like? How do I use it? * How do I communicate with my students in Canvas? * How do I track student activity in my course? * Can I manually enroll a user (eg., TA, grader,…

How to spot a phishing attempt

If someone ever asks you to verify your FSU username and password, please don't! Florida State University does not ask for your username and password via email, text message, or over the phone. If you have received such a message, you can assume that it is a  phishing scam that is intended to acquire your FSU login…

Web-conferencing Best Practices

We have recently transitioned away from using and supporting Bb Collaborate as FSU's web-conferencing tool. As of  November 6, 2019, Bb Collaborate is no longer available for use university-wide. However, colleges and/or departments that currently license Bb Collaborate separately will still be able to use the tool. …

Best Practices for Student Video Production (iMovie and Movie Maker)

Roll out the red carpet for these best-practice tutorials that can help you produce quality videos for your class assignments. We’ve got tips to simplify the video editing process, using both iMovie and Movie Maker software. Learn how to upload and cut video footage and add transitions between shots, among other cool…

How to gather information for curriculum requests

Note: Before you begin your curriculum request on the Curriculum Request Application , be sure you have gathered all the information you will need to complete the request: * Justification for curriculum addition or change * Full Course Title * Transcript Title (30 characters or less) * Minimum/Maximum Semester…

Sub-account Admins: Admin and Course Permissions

This article is intended for Sub-account Administrators at Florida State University. If you would like to become a Sub-account Administrator, please obtain written approval from your Dean or Department Chair and contact ODL Technical Support at [email protected]. Administrative Permissions As a Sub-account Administrat…

How to prevent your Zoom class session being hijacked

With the recent transition to online learning, there have been incidents of class sessions conducted via Zoom being hijacked by disruptive and offensive behavior. Zoom has now responded to feedback from customers and adjusted our default FSU settings to help secure Zoom class meetings. Our recommendations in this…

[Old LTI Integration] Canvas Turnitin Integration Overview

Turnitin Accessibility Statement Turnitin Privacy Statement & Pledge Check out the new, streamlined Turnitin Direct integration for a simpler Turnitin assignment option. Turnitin is a top-ranked plagiarism deterrent service that integrates with Canvas. When students submit their assignments to Turnitin, simil…

Instructors: How to re-submit Turnitin Assignment directly to overwrite an existing student submission

The following information provided by Turnitin will help you resubmit a student's paper to Turnitin through Canvas. Before you proceed, please check that the file is an accepted file type and size. Note: To resubmit on behalf of a student, you must enable resubmissions in your assignment settings. This is include…

Canvas Course Setup Checklist

We have created a course setup checklist for our FSU community that incorporates our best practice recommendations . This checklist is available in two different formats: As a Google Doc, or an accessible PDF. Please select your preferred format below. Canvas Course Setup Checklist Google Doc Accessible Canvas Cou…

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