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Home > External Apps > Turnitin > [Old LTI Integration] Canvas Turnitin Integration Overview
[Old LTI Integration] Canvas Turnitin Integration Overview
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Check out the new, streamlined Turnitin Direct integration for a simpler Turnitin assignment option.

Turnitin is a top-ranked plagiarism deterrent service that integrates with Canvas. When students submit their assignments to Turnitin, similarity reports show which portions may have been improperly cited or plagiarized. Additional Turnitin features include inline grading, rubrics, revision assignments, and anonymous peer-editing options.

Turnitin is automatically installed onto every course site in Canvas! Refer to How to create a Turnitin assignment.

Important: To use a Canvas (not Turnitin) rubric with an assignment in the Speedgrader, you will need to attach your Canvas rubric to the assignment before you make the assignment into a Turnitin assignment. See How do I use a Canvas rubric with a Turnitin assignment?

According to resources provided by Canvas Guides, the Turnitin LTI includes the following limitations:

  • Turntin's searches may not always include popular paper-mill sites (e.g. CourseHero). For obvious reasons, the company does not publish a list of sites not yet in its databases.
  • PeerMark assignments do not automatically sync with the Canvas Gradebook. Instructors will need to create a manual grade column for these assignments. To learn how to create a manual column, please view this instructional guide: Can I manually create columns in the Gradebook?
  • You cannot use Turnitin with group assignments.
  • Students cannot submit multiple file uploads.
  • Turnitin assignments cannot include more than one submission date; differentiated due dates are not supported.
  • Turnitin submissions require a minimum of 20 words, a maximum of 400 pages, and a file size maximum of 40 MB.
  • By default Turnitin always allows students to submit their assignment as a text entry or upload any supported file type:
    • Text (.txt)
    • Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx)
    • Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt/.pptx)
    • Postcript (.ps)
    • Portable Document Format (.pdf)
    • Rich Text Format (.rtf)
    • HyperText Markup Language (.html)
    • WordPerfect (.wp)
    • Hangul (.hwp)
    • Open Office (.odt/.ods/.odp)
    They can also upload an assignment from Google Drive or Dropbox. Turnitin does not allow students to submit unsupported file types.

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