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Home > External Apps > Kaltura > How to access Kaltura Media analytics
How to access Kaltura Media analytics
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Kaltura offers you the ability to view analytics for your course videos in a couple of different ways, depending on whether you are using the Course Media Gallery feature or simply sharing individual Kaltura videos via Canvas pages.

Before reviewing your Kaltura analytics, it is important to note that there are some significant limitations:

  • If a user downloads the video to watch it offline, this viewing will not be included in Kaltura's analytics. This means that students who have a slower internet connection and choose to download your videos in order to watch them will not appear in your analytics.
  • They are not 100% reliable. We have seen occasions where some users' views did not not sync with Kaltura's analytics dashboard when the videos were viewed online.


We do not recommend using Kaltura analytics as a basis for determining attendance or participation grades in any way.
Instead, the use of Kaltura analytics is to give you a general sense of how your students are interacting with your course materials. A much more reliable way of measuring attendance or participation is to pair a short Canvas quiz with each lecture video. As an added bonus, if you use all multiple choice questions, then students' grades for each quiz will be calculated automatically.

Viewing analytics for items shared via the Media Gallery

Follow the directions in this video to view your Canvas Media Gallery's analytics. These analytics can help you to see who has watched your videos, for how long they watched the video, and more, to give you a general impression of how your students are interacting with your course materials.

Viewing analytics for individual items not shared via the Media Gallery

You can go into your My Media page and view analytics for individual videos. These analytics can help you to see who has watched your videos, for how long they watched the video, and more, to give you a general impression of how your students are interacting with your course materials.

  1. Log into FSU's Canvas.
  2. Navigate to your personal My Media page.
  3. Click the title of a video whose analytics you wish to view.
    (Click image below to enlarge it)
  4. Below the video preview, click the Actions menu and select Analytics.

Not sure exactly what some of the analytics you see in Kaltura mean? This page can help clarify some of the terminology that you may see.


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