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Showing articles from instructor article tag

How to refresh your Home page's module list (Design Tools)

If your course or organization's home page has a list of embedded modules on it, you will need to refresh this "module list" after you make edits to the module titles or after you have added or removed modules in the Modules section of your site. It is very simple to refresh your home page's module list: * Edi…

How do I add a rubric to a quiz?

To add a rubric to a quiz, follow the directions in the Canvas Guide article  How do I add a rubric to a quiz?

Kaltura Express Capture Overview

What is Express Capture? Kaltura Express Capture is a pared-down, quick-recording option that you can use with the click of a button. It allows you to record video directly within your internet browser using your webcam and microphone. After recording and saving your video, it will be uploaded into your My Media p…

Can I permit or deny guests/observers in my course site?

You cannot, as the instructor, edit guest/observer role access on a course level. In Canvas this role access can only be edited on the account/system administrator level. Further resources: * What is the Observer role? * Observer Visibility and Participation

FAMU-FSU Engineering Instructors: How to find courses you are teaching in Canvas

Because of the way that the FAMU and FSU Canvas systems work together, you will likely see several empty course shells that will not be used. In order to avoid confusion, we recommend that you "favorite" the real course sites that you will be using to teach so that only those courses display on your Dashboard. Figur…

How to utilize public reporting using Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys (formerly EvaluationKIT)

To make use of the public reporting portal visit . Enter a course code or instructor name and use the purple magnifying glass button to search. (Click image below to enlarge) You can further refine your search results or search for a different course/instructor using the menu on the left …

Kaltura Media Storage Policy

Kaltura's media storage policy dictates that  videos and audio recordings uploaded to or recorded within Kaltura that have not been accessed for playback within the last four years will be removed from Kaltura . Two-Stage Removal Process Kaltura media storage uses a two-stage process for removing unused media con…

Online Alternatives to In-Person Proctored Exams

Although proctored exams are a common means of assessing student learning, these alternatives are worth considering: Open-book, take-home exams delivered and scored by Canvas This method can be especially effective if high-stakes exams are replaced with or broken up into multiple, lower-stakes tests. When questions…

How do I add an existing question bank to my quiz?

While you are on the Questions tab of any quiz, select  Find Questions  and you can then select which existing question banks you want to add to your quiz. Further resources: * How do I create a quiz with a question group linked to a question bank? * How do I create a quiz with a question group to randomize quiz …

Will I be able to view my course site from the student perspective?

Yes, the Student View tool allows you to view your course as your students see it. However, please note that Student View is not the same as the actual Student role and will only give you a general idea of how your students can interact with your course content. You can check if features like a Module or item …

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