Yes. To make certain items (eg., a module, a quiz, an assignment, etc.) available after a particular date, simply use the "lock module" setting or the assignment/quiz/discussion availability date setting. Further resources * How do I lock a module? * What is the difference between assignment due dates and avai…
You can create assignments from the Assignments Index page (Assignments area of course site) and you have two options: * You can create an assignment shell, or * You can create the entire assignment. An assignment shell is just a placeholder for the assignment within an assignment group, such as a discussion assig…
Canvas offers several different assignment types: Assignment, Discussion, Quiz, External Tool Assignment (e. g., Turnitin Assignment), and Not Graded Assignment. Canvas also allows for No Submission assignments (e.g., a participation grade) and On Paper assignments (e.g., in-class pop quiz) whose grades you want …
Canvas, the learning management system used at FSU, provides wonderful learning environment for you and your students. FSU's Canvas is highly customized with special features such as automated student enrollments, automatic course site creation each semester, and the FSU Final Grade Upload Tool. FSU Canvas Support …
1. Do we still use the ODL DL Appointment spreadsheet? No. Do not send us spreadsheets. Once you have completed the first term’s appointments in the system, we suggest you download the list to excel and create your own internal version. Or you may alter the ODL spreadsheet and use that internally; however, some of t…
Yes, you can use SpeedGrader's anonymous grading feature. Further resources: * How do I enable anonymous grading for an assignment in SpeedGrader?
Turnitin is a top-ranked plagiarism deterrent service that integrates with Canvas. When students submit their assignments to Turnitin, similarity reports show which portions may have been improperly cited or plagiarized. Additional Turnitin features include inline grading, rubrics, revision assignments, and anonymous…
You can import Gradebook .csv export files back into Canvas after making appropriate edits. It is important to note, that if you delete or add any columns or rows into the .csv file, you will not be able to import the file into your course. All files that are exported need to only have the pre-existing values edited …
You can organize your New Gradebook in a number of different ways in Canvas: by student name, secondary ID, total grade, individual assignment, assignment group (if you have assignment groups set up), and assignment due date. You can also rearrange and resize the columns in the New Gradebook and add assignment group…
All courses will look relatively the same, making the course structure fairly uniform across all sites unless you opt to use a tool like DesignPLUS to add additional styling. You can also customize your home page to be one of the following: * Course Activity Stream (most recent activity and interactions). * Page…