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Home > Account Setup & User Enrollments > Using a profile picture in Canvas
Using a profile picture in Canvas
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You can upload an avatar, or profile picture, that will be used to represent you throughout the Canvas system. This avatar will appear in multiple places throughout Canvas, including the Discussion Board and People pages. It is a great way to personalize your Canvas identity.

Guidelines for Appropriate Use of Avatars in Florida State University Online Courses

When selecting an avatar image to upload to your online courses in Canvas, please be aware of FSU’s guidelines for the Use of University Information Technology Resources, which prohibits using IT resources to:

  • transmit to others or display images, sounds, or messages that might be perceived by a reasonable person as being, or have been identified as, harassing;
  • access pornographic or obscene materials; or
  • impersonate another person or misrepresent authorization to act on behalf of others.

We request that all FSU Canvas users adhere to the following the guidelines when selecting a profile picture:

  • Photo was taken within five years to reflect your current appearance
  • Face is positioned in the middle of the picture and it is a full face view
  • Face is center-focused and photo is taken from shoulders or neck and above
  • Facial expressions should be neutral/pleasant or with a natural smile to reflect the true likeness of you
  • Background should not contain distracting objects
  • You should be the only subject in the photo with no other people in focus or in the background
  • Photos should not include captions, watermarks or image-distorting overlays and filters

Please remember, FSU has the right to remove photos if the photo is not in compliance with these guidelines; employees may be held accountable for posting photos that are offensive or contain inappropriate content or images. Contact ODL Technical Support to report inappropriate content.


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