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Showing articles from faq tag

How to request a Canvas organization site

Please read through our  Canvas organizations  information. A link to the Organization Request Form can be found on this page.

Can I make group discussion boards?

Yes, you can make group-specific discussions in Canvas.  You will need to create the student groups prior to creating the group discussions. Further resources: * How do I create a group discussion in a course? * How do I assign a graded discussion to a course group? * How do I assign a graded discussion to an …

Can I email students from within the Gradebook interface?

You can email students from the Gradebook interface in Canvas, but you cannot send messages on an individual basis and instead must choose from categories of students. You can send messages to your students based on the following assignment categories: Haven't submitted yet, Haven't been graded, Scored less than X nu…

Is there a wiki tool option in Canvas? How can I create a course wiki?

Canvas does not have a wiki tool per se, but you can essentially create a course wiki by creating a Page and allowing students to edit that Page. At this time there is no way to grade student contributions to this "wiki" Page, so it is useful only as an informal study aid and not a formal course requirement. Please …

Canvas Course Menu & Settings FAQs

FAQs * Can I customize my course site in Canvas? * Can I edit or customize the course navigation menu in my Canvas course site? * What settings and features are available at the course level? * How do I import the default Home page into my course from Commons? * How can I connect third-party tools like Google…

How to change your name in Canvas

The best way to change your name in Canvas is to adjust your preferred name in other FSU systems so that your desired name will be reflected consistently across FSU systems. Once you see the change reflected on  your FSU MyProfile page , approximately 24-48 hours later your updated name should then display consistent…

How do I export my Gradebook from my Canvas site?

In order to export your New Gradebook from Canvas, you will want to navigate to Grades from the Course Navigation Menu. From here, select Actions in the upper left of the New Gradebook, and then select Export from the drop-down menu. The New Gradebook can only be exported as a .csv file. Further resources: …

How do I communicate with my students in Canvas?

Canvas gives you many options for communicating with your students - through  Announcements ,  Conversations  (internal Canvas messaging tool similar to email),  chat  (communication in real time), and web-conferencing . Please note: we do not recommend using chat because its messages are not private. Learn more a…

How to hide a Module and its content from every area of your Canvas course

Have you had to remove one of your course modules due to lack of time? In order to hide both the module and all of its content from your students you will need to: * Unpublish the module itself  AND * Unpublish every item within that particular module If you do not unpublish the individual items in the module, the…

Is there any way to curve my students' grades in Canvas?

Though Canvas offers the ability to curve students' grades, we recommend caution in using this feature because the grade curving cannot be undone. Pre-curving grade histories will be available, but the curving action is irreversible. It may be more tedious, but we recommend you curve grades manually at this point in …

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