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Configuring Your Zoom User Settings
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  1. Log into your FSU Zoom account at with your FSU credentials.

    For easy access to your individual Zoom account, enable My FSU Zoom on your Canvas course's navigation menu. This will also give your students access to their individual Zoom accounts.

  2. On the left of the page select Settings.
  3. Select the settings that you would like to have. We strongly recommend that you use the following Zoom user settings:
    1. Schedule Meeting
      1. Participants video: off. Requiring that participants (students) join your meeting with their video feed off may help to reduce disruptive incidents. If an incident does occur, this may also make it easier to locate the disruptive individual and manually switch off their video feed during the meeting (they will not be able to switch their video feed back on after that point). If you want an individual student to share their video feed you can always enable that option during your course meeting.
      2. Audio type: Telephone and Computer Audio.
      3. Use Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when scheduling a meeting: off
      4. Only authenticated users can join meetings: on

        We recommend switching this setting on If you will not be having any guest (non-FSU) lecturers speak to your class, so that only authenticated Zoom users can join your meetings. When you schedule your course meetings in Canvas, you will have the option to further restrict your meetings to FSU users only (your students will have to login to their FSU Zoom account; they will not be able to join your meetings anonymously or using a personal, non-FSU-affiliated Zoom account). 
        If you will have some guest speakers who do not have Zoom accounts, then do not switch on this setting in your account. Instead, switch this setting on for individual meetings in your Canvas course that will not feature guest speakers. You will not be able to restrict your individual course meetings to FSU users only. 
        If you have a student whose ADA accommodations include providing live captions, be sure to follow these directions from the Office of Accessibility Services within either your individual meetings, or within  your account settings if you do not want to configure this for each course meeting.


      5. Require a password when scheduling new meetings: on. This is best practice to keep your meetings secure.
      6. Require a password for instant meetings: off
      7. Require password for participants joining by phone: off
      8. Embed password in invite link for one-click join: on. This is especially helpful for securing Canvas course meetings in your classes without making it more difficult for your students to join your meetings.
      9. Mute Participants upon entry: ON.

        This will help to keep your meeting from accidentally being hijacked by your students, or crashing for you and your students because there are too many webcams active in the meeting. You can always allow meeting participants to "unmute" themselves as needed once you have started your Zoom meeting.

    2. In Meeting (Basic)
      1. Allow chat: on
      2. Allow private chat: toggle this on only if you want students to be able to message each other privately during your meetings. We recommend keeping this setting toggle off as a matter of best practice so that the instructor/TA/moderator can see all communications occurring in the meeting.
      3. File transfer: on
      4. Co-host: on
      5. Polling: on
      6. Always show meeting control toolbar: toggle this on if it will be helpful to you when you are hosting a meeting.
      7. Screen Sharing: Allow all users to share their screens, and select Host Only for who can start sharing when another user is sharing their screen.

        If you are concerned about students hijacking your Zoom session, you can opt to only allow the host to share their screen, and then manually allow participants to share their screens once you have started your Zoom sessions.

      8. Annotation: toggle this setting on only if you wish for your students to add information to the screens you share.
      9. Whiteboard: toggle this setting on if you wish to use a whiteboard at all during your meetings.
      10. Nonverbal feedback: On.
        Nonverbal feedback in Zoom allows your students to: raise/lower their hand, respond "yes/no," ask to go slower/faster, agree/disagree, clap, and more. This tool is most useful for quickly gauging how your students are responding to a particular concept or question (e.g., "can you all hear me?" or "Are there any questions before we go on?"). You will be able to see a number above each feedback icon in the participants list to see how many students gave a particular response and you can reset all responses as needed. Learn more about Nonverbal feedback in Zoom.
      11. Join different meetings simultaneously on desktop: On. This setting is optional, but if you will have more than one meeting scheduled at the same time in your course, then we recommend that you and your TAs switch on this setting in your Zoom accounts to avoid any hiccups. This setting is most useful if you are teaching a large course and instead of using breakout rooms you opt to divide your students up into smaller groups that will have separate meetings led by you and your TAs. This may also be helpful if you will be hosting back-to-back meetings.
        Keep in mind: after switching this setting on, you will need to restart your computer in order for the Zoom desktop client to honor this setting change.

    3. In Meeting (Advanced)
      1. Breakout room: toggle on if you want to be able to use breakout rooms, and check the Allow host to assign participants to breakout rooms when scheduling box.
      2. Screen Sharing: on
      3. Attention tracking: this is an optional feature, but may be useful if you want to be able to see when students are actively paying attention to your meeting. Enabling this feature will allow you to see an indicator in the Participant panel when a student does not have Zoom in focus for more than 30 seconds. Learn more about attention tracking.
      4. Show a "Join from your browser" link: on
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