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Home > External Apps > What is OneNote Class Notebooks for Canvas?
What is OneNote Class Notebooks for Canvas?
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What is OneNote? 

OneNote is a digital notebook that allows you to take notes and utilize a variety of features to enrich those notes. Content is entered on pages, which can be organized into sections. In addition to typed text, your page content can include other elements to enrich the notes you take. These elements include creating checklists, drawing, embedding audio/video, handwriting, highlighting, images, math formulae, tags, website links, and more. Additionally, pages act like whiteboards instead of text editors. This means that you can move your content around the page and break free of a standard typed document. 

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What is a OneNote Class Notebook? 

A Class Notebook is a series of OneNote Notebooks that are bundled together to facilitate a collaborative learning environment for both students and instructors. Each Class Notebook contains these section groups: 

Collaboration Space 

By default, both teachers and students can view and edit pages and sections in this area.  Instructors can restrict students' ability to edit pages in the Collaboration Space.  Please see How to Enable and Use OneNote Class Notebook in Canvas for more information.

Content Library 

This area can be edited by teachers and viewed by students. Students are not able to edit pages in this area. While students cannot edit pages in the Content Library, they can copy pages into their own Student Notebooks and then edit those copies. The Content Library is a helpful place for distributing instructor-produced notes, PowerPoint presentations, worksheets, assignment templates, etc. 

Teacher Only 

This area can be viewed and edited only by you or others you've invited into the Class Notebook as a teacher.

Student Notebooks 

Each student has their own notebook space, which is titled with their name. Only teachers and the named student can view or edit content in this area. Teachers will be able to see all students' notebooks listed, but students will only be able to see the notebook with their own name listed. 

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Class Notebook features

Here are some of the many OneNote features that can help you take your note-taking to the next level. 

  • Format typed text.
  • Embed/insert files, pictures, audio/video, emoji, Microsoft Forms, and Microsoft Excel sheets to view on the OneNote page.
  • Attach files, links, audio, and video to be downloaded.
  • Record audio within OneNote.
  • Use the Math button to convert handwritten equations into text.
  • Draw with a mouse, stylus, or touch.
  • Page versions: see the changes that have been made to a page.
  • Show authors: see who wrote different sections of text.
  • Distribute pages/sections: Create a page and send a copy to each student's notebook.
  • Use tags to draw attention to various notes.

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More information 

Each time a OneNote Class Notebook is created, Microsoft automatically adds pages explaining the Class Notebook's sections, as well as links to in-depth help articles.  Also check out our article called How to Enable and Use OneNote Class Notebook in Canvas.


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