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Home > External Apps > How to enable and use OneNote Class Notebook in Canvas
How to enable and use OneNote Class Notebook in Canvas
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How to enable OneNote Class Notebook in Canvas

  1. Navigate to your course.
  2. Select Settings from the left navigation menu.
  3. Select the Navigation tab from the top row.
  4. Find Class Notebook.
  5. Select the three vertical dots.
  6. Select Enable.
  7. Select the Save button at the bottom of the page.

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How to set up a Class Notebook in Canvas

  1. Navigate to your course.
  2. Select Class Notebook from the left navigation menu.
    • If you don't see Class Notebook listed, follow the instructions for "How to enable OneNote Class Notebook in Canvas" above.
  3. Enter a name for your Class Notebook.
  4. Select the Next button.
  5. Review the section groups and permissions that will be added to your Class Notebook.
  6. Select the Next button.
  7. Add others to your Class Notebook with a teacher role (optional).
    • The search bar will search the FSU directory, so you can search for a person's name or enter their email address.
  8. Select the Next button.
  9. Select the option to "Automatically add students from your LMS as they access this notebook".
    • When a student accesses the Class Notebook through Canvas, Microsoft will automatically give them permission to use the notebook.
    • You will not immediately see students' names in the Class Notebook. Each student's name will be added after the first time they access the notebook.
    • If any students add the course after the Class Notebook is set up, they will still be automatically added by clicking Class Notebook in the navigation menu.
    • If any students drop the class, they will not be automatically removed from the Class Notebook.
    • You will continue to see content created by students who were removed.
    • Students will maintain access to the Class Notebook after the semester ends. If you want to keep students from accessing the Class Notebook (for example, for audit purposes), you will have to manually remove their permission to access it.
  10. Select the Next button.
  11. Review and/or edit the sections that will be created for each Student Notebook.
    • The Class Notebook will automatically generate 4 sections for students to use: Handouts, Class Notes, Homework, and Quizzes.
    • You can rename or delete any of these 4 default sections.
    • You can create any sections and they will be automatically distributed to each Student Notebook.
    • Students can also create their own sections after accessing their Student Notebook.
  12. Select the Next button.
  13. Review the visual preview with the teacher's notebook perspective and the student's notebook perspective.
  14. Select the Create button.

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How to manage your Class Notebook(s) in Canvas

  1. Navigate to your course.
  2. Select Class Notebook from the left navigation menu.
    • If you don't see Class Notebook listed, follow the instructions for "How to enable OneNote Class Notebook in Canvas" above.
    • If you are asked to name your Class notebook, follow the instructions for "How to set up a Class Notebook in Canvas" above.

Create a class notebook

This option will create a new Class Notebook. Before you create a new Class Notebook, you will be prompted with the following reminder: "You can only have one Class Notebook linked from your course page. Although the link to the previous notebook will be permanently removed, your students may still be able to access it."

  • Select OK to create and link the new Class Notebook.
  • Select Close to cancel the creation of a new Class Notebook.

Add or remove students

This option helps you manually add new students or remove current students.

  • Add new students by searching the FSU directory for the name you want to add or by entering the student's official FSU email address.
  • Remove current students by finding the student's name and selecting the X icon to the right of the name.
    • Select the Next button.
    • Review your student changes.
    • Select the Update button.

Add or remove teachers

This option helps you manually add new teachers or remove current teachers.

  • Add new teachers by searching the FSU directory for the name you want to add or by entering the teacher's official FSU email address.
  • Remove current teachers by finding the teacher's name and selecting the X icon to the right of the name.
    • Select the Next button.
    • Review your teacher changes.
    • Select the Update button.

Settings to manage notebooks

There are a few options available to manage your notebooks. Management options will immediately show for the Class Notebook that is currently linked to the course you are in. You can also select the back arrow in the top-left corner to see a list of all your Class Notebooks for you to manage.

Student sections

Add or rename the default sections that appear in each Student Notebook.

Teacher-Only section group

This section is on by default and cannot be turned off.

Lock Collaboration Space

This section is unlocked by default. It allows students to edit pages and sections in the Collaboration Space. To lock this section, click the slider so the icon turns purple and the white dot appears on the right side of the icon. Students will no longer be able to edit anything in the Collaboration Space.

Collaboration Space permissions

You can give specific students permission to view and edit pages and sections in the Collaboration Space. This might help in various circumstances, such as if you want students to work in groups but only want one student from the group to make changes in the Collaboration Space.

Parent and guardian links

This option is geared toward the K-12 environment where parents hold a student's FAFSA rights, instead of a university environment where students hold their own FAFSA rights.

Notebook link

You can copy a direct link to the Class Notebook and share it with students or others who have already been granted permission to access it. This link could be helpful in those rare instances when Canvas might experience loading errors.

LMS access settings

Here you can turn off the option to automatically add students from your LMS as they access this notebook. This will prevent students from automatically receiving permission to use the Class Notebook when they access it through Canvas. Students who already have permission to use the Class Notebook can still continue to access it through Canvas or OneNote until you or another teacher removes their permission.

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