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Home > External Apps > Annoto Video Collaboration Tool Overview
Annoto Video Collaboration Tool Overview
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Annoto is an external tool that integrates seamlessly with Kaltura and other video platforms to allow for a robust and engaging viewing experience for students. Annoto enables your course participants to add time-based annotations as an overlay to any video content, turning passive video watching into an active and collaborative learning experience while providing instructors actionable insights on the students and the video content delivered. 

Getting Started With Annoto

Annoto is not automatically enabled in courses, so you will need to manually enable it within your course. Once Annoto is enabled, all embedded videos that are added to the course will now be ready for whatever Annoto features you select within the Annoto Dashboard. Features include:

You can learn more about all available features with Annoto's User Guides


Enabling Annoto Insights via Course Navigation (recommended)

  1. Login to FSU's Canvas.
  2. Click into the course where you want to enable Annoto.
  3. Select Settings, then select Navigation.
  4. Find Annoto Insights at the bottom of the navigation items.
  5. Click the vertical ellipsis and select +Enable.
  6. Click Save.

You now will have a new left-hand navigation item visible only to teachers within the course. To choose what features of Annoto you'd like to include in your course, follow these next steps.

  1. Select the Annoto Insights item from the left-hand navigation area. 
  2. You are now in the Annoto Insights Dashboard. You can find more information about Annoto Analytics here
  3. Select the Preferences tab. 

  4. Within Preferences, you will be able to enable specific features of Annoto. This can be done individually or by presets that are aligned with specific types of experiences. 

  5. You can learn more about the specific function of each engagement option here: Annoto User Guide and the Additional Instructor Resources below.


Enabling Annoto via Course Media 

  1. Login to FSU's Canvas.
  2. Click into the course where you want to enable Annoto.
  3. Click into Course Media.
  4. Click the Channel Actions button located in the top right corner and select the Annoto Analytics option.

  5. You are now in the Annoto Insights Dashboard. You can find more information about Annoto Analytics here
  6. Within these Preferences, you will be able to enable specific features of Annoto. This can be done individually or by presets that are aligned with specific types of experiences. 

  7. You can learn more about the specific function of each engagement option here: Annoto User Guide and the Additional Instructor Resources below.


Additional Instructor Resources

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