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Home > External Apps > Yellowdig Overview
Yellowdig Overview
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Yellowdig Engage is a dynamic social learning tool that greatly improves on Canvas's built-in Discussion tool for student engagement and interaction. From Yellowdig's introductory resource:

Yellowdig is a discussion platform that connects learners and empowers educators. Yellowdig boards create a private network where learning communities can be established, allowing discussion and sharing to foster the relationships, skills, and knowledge that allow people to thrive ...Yellowdig provides an easy means for learners and other users to communicate and collaborate about class content and share a broad array of timely and relevant learning resources from the wider world (e.g., videos, news articles, blogs and more) ... With Yellowdig, learning is not limited to class time or face-to-face interactions and becomes a shared goal of the entire learning community (i.e., your classes, departments, etc.).  Community members can learn from each other, anytime, anywhere, from any device.

Beginning Spring 2021 Yellowdig is available to all courses through a student-pay model. If you plan to use Yellowdig in your course, please use the following language for any Fall 2021 or future courses that will use Yellowdig: 

You will be asked to pay for Yellowdig for this course. The following information may be helpful:

  • Cost: $9.95 for the term per course.
  • How to Pay: 
    • When you access your course in Canvas for the first time, you will see a link to Yellowdig within the course navigation.
    • Upon launching the tool for the first time, you will see a payment window asking for credit card information which will be collected through a reputable online payment site called Stripe.
    • After processing payment, you will be given unlimited access to Yellowdig for our course for the duration of the academic term.
  • If you have questions/issues while making your payment, please reach out to Yellowdig Support or by emailing [email protected].
  • If you are experiencing financial hardship and are unable to purchase access to Yellowdig for our course, please reach out to me via email and I will do my best to accommodate you. 

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