Jun 10, 2021
- Log into Canvas.
- On the garnet global navigation menu on the left, click the Commons icon.
- Because Canvas Commons includes content from all organizations that use Canvas, you will want to narrow the resources displayed to only FSU-specific items. Click the Filter button in the top right of the screen.
- In the filter menu that appears, for the "shared with" option select Florida State University. Click the X button at the top left of the Filter menu to close it.
- On the main Commons page, the content displayed should now be restricted to FSU-specific items. Type "shell" into the search bar at the top of the page.
- Scroll down until you see the ODL Quality Course Shell. Once you have located it, click the blue ODL Quality Course Shell text.
- On the ODL Quality Course Shell page you can view the details of what the shell contains. In the upper-right area, click the blue Import/Download button.
- This will pull up a list of your Canvas course and development sites. Check the box for the site you want to import the shell into. Then, click the Import into Course button. This will begin importing the shell into your Canvas course.
- You will see a green "You have successfully started the import! Please note that it may take a while to see changes in your course" banner at the top of the page.
- Navigate to the course/development site that you opted to import the master shell into.
- Once you are in your Canvas site, you will be able to see the content that the shell brought into your otherwise empty site. From here, you can begin editing the course site and the imported templates to your specifications.
Tips for editing imported Design Tools templates
These tips and best practices will help you to have a smoother experience using Design Tools.
- Always launch the Design Tools menu when you edit an item that uses a Design Tools template.
After clicking edit on the content page, assignment, discussion item, or quiz make sure to then click the garnet rocket ship icon in the upper right of the screen. This will then show you how Design Tools is grouping your content and will help to avoid formatting issues. - Use Design Tools' built-in accessibility checker
This will help to ensure that content you have added will be accessible to all students regardless of any assistive technology they may be using.